Welcome Back!

Today is our Open House and we are so excited to welcome families and students back to campus!

Our overarching theme for the year is based on God’s “Unshakable Promises.” Living in a broken world, we often see human promises broken or ignored. Yet we serve a God who cares for us and whose word is true. His promises truly are unshakable.

As a parent myself (both my sons graduated from Firm Foundation Christian High School) I believe the best gift we can give our children, and by extension the students of FFCS, is the understanding that God can be depended upon, even in the most trying and challenging of times. He did not call us to a life of ease and in fact tells us we should expect troubles. In the midst of trials, however, he also offers a promise:

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.”

While there is a measure of uncertainty with constantly changing mandates, we move forward in the confidence that our God goes before us. The team here at FFCS stands ready to welcome students at the official start of school on Wednesday. We will continue to share with them throughout the year the amazing promises found in scripture, and encourage them to hold those promises close, to memorize them, and to lean fully into God. May you also feel His presence.

Julie Olson